For contact table, column "CNT_NUM" is not selected because it is an auto incremental id column and its value will be generated automatically when the new record is inserted. 对于联系方式表,没有选择“CNTNUM”列,因为它是一个自动增加的id列,它的值是在插入新记录时自动生成的。
In this sample, it is assumed that every contact record has a unique e-mail address that is used as the "Key" column. 在这个示例中,假设每个联系方式记录都有一个惟一的e-mail地址,作为“Key”列。
After inserting the contact into the table, the database returned the value of the id column of the row just inserted. 将联系人插入表以后,数据库返回刚插入的行的id列的值。
Gas-agitation will improve the liquid-liquid contact and mass transfer in extraction column, and it has different effects on packed and spray columns. 气体搅动作用可以强化液&液两相接触和传质性能。
Click the total row in the contact column. 在“联系人”列中单击“汇总”行。
Something came in contact with the column here. 和柱子磨擦后留下来的。
To do so, right-click a column heading in your contacts folder, and then click the contact information that you want to add as a new column heading. 为此,请右键单击联系人文件夹中的列标题,然后单击想要作为新的列标题添加的联系人信息。
Contact Analysis between Hydraulic Powered Support Column and Socket Based on FEM 基于有限元法的液压支架立柱与柱窝接触分析
The default takes effect only if no entry is specified for the phone column of the contact table. 只有当没有为contact表的phone列指定项时,默认值才会生效。
According to the results, the contact status of movable crosshead and column are more decided by the deformation of two objects. There are five typical contact statuses according as different boundary conditions. 研究结果表明,液压机动梁与立柱间的接触状态更多的取决于立柱的变形,其依边界条件不同存在五种较为典型的接触状态。
Continuous transition from point contact to line contact between the axially compressed inner core and the flexible sleeve in a sleeved column 双钢管构件由点接触到线接触的连续过渡
Aiming at contact problems with friction and initial gaps, the contact state simulation by using the Gauss points in the rectangle or the column element is presented in this paper. 针对带初间隙摩擦接触问题,本文提出了基于矩形或柱状常规薄层单元并以高斯点来描述接触状态的求解方法。
To improve the supercritical fluid liquid contact, a scourer rotor was used in the extraction cell, and the column was packed with Dixon ring. 为改善气液接触,萃取器内使用了转动不锈钢箔团,精馏柱内充填了Dixon环。
Contact problems between concrete base surface and column base, bolt nut and neighborhood plate, bolt shank and bolt hole are simulated really. 有限元分析中模拟了底板与基础面之间、锚栓垫片与底板之间、以及锚栓与混凝土之间的接触作用。
During model being created, some important parameters are considered such as the thickness of column flanges, splice plate at beam flanges and webs, and bolt pretension, friction coefficient at contact region, axial loading on column, etc. 主要考虑了梁翼缘拼接板厚度、柱翼缘厚度、梁腹板拼接板厚度、螺栓预拉力、接触区的摩擦系数以及柱轴力大小等因素的影响。
The contact angles of carbon black ( CB) treated with different methods were measured using filler column method, and the surface and interface parameters of carbon black filled low density polyethylene ( LDPE) electrical conductive composites were estimated based on the unified theory of adhesion. 采用填料柱法测量了不同表面处理的导电炭黑的接触角,并根据联立的粘合理论估算了炭黑填充低密度聚乙烯导电复合材料的表(界)面特性参数。
With the increase of empty bed contact time, the removal of PAEs have shown an upward trend for the removal with the activated carbon filter and the combination filter column. 随着空床接触时间的增加,活性炭滤柱与组合填料滤柱对PAEs的去除都表现为去除率上升的趋势。